340B Health

Jon Tilton

Senior Vice President of Communications

Phone: 202-536-2285
Fax: 202-552-5868
E-Mail: jon.tilton@340bhealth.org

Jon Tilton is the Senior Vice President of Communications for 340B Health, a nonprofit organization of more than 1,500 hospitals and health systems participating in the federal 340B drug pricing program.

Mr. Tilton is the lead communications strategist and oversees all communications, including to 340B Health members and staff, the administration, Congress, policymakers, the media, researchers, stakeholders, and the public.

Mr. Tilton has extensive experience in health communications and policy. His more than two decades of experience in Washington, D.C., includes work on Capitol Hill, in the strategic communications group at America’s Health Insurance Plans, and in leadership positions with public relations firms FleishmanHillard TogoRun, and Burson Cohn & Wolfe’s Direct Impact Company. His advocacy communications for organizations and corporations have included work on the Affordable Care Act, arthritis, COVID-19, diabetes, ocular health, oncology, obesity, and rare disease-related therapeutic areas.

Mr. Tilton received a B.A. in Political Science and Art History from Southern Methodist University.