340B Health



Thursday, January 14
2:00 – 3:00 PM ET

Register Now!

DURATION: 60 minutes, including Q & A.

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) enforcement of 340B statutory requirements for manufacturers and covered entities has evolved since the program was created in 1992. The United States Supreme Court has significantly limited covered entity recourse in the courts to resolve manufacturer non-compliance under the 340B statute, indicating that enforcement of manufacturers’ obligations under the statute rests with HRSA. HRSA’s enforcement authority has been challenged in lawsuits and evaluated by lower federal courts and government agencies. This webinar will review significant legal milestones that have shaped HRSA’s enforcement of the 340B statute, and how this relates to the lawsuit we recently filed in federal court against HHS over contract pharmacy.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: 340B hospital program managers, coordinators, and compliance analysts, in-house counsel, compliance officers, and 340B Health Corporate Partners.


Maureen Testoni, President and Chief Executive Officer, 340B Health
Amanda Nagrotsky, Legal Counsel, 340B Health
Amanda Sellers Smith, Assistant Counsel, 340B Health

REGISTRATION: The event is limited to 340B hospitals and 340B Health Corporate Partners, and pre-registration is required. To register, please click the “REGISTER NOW!” button above. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 13th

Registration Category

Registration Fee

Enhanced Member Hospital, 340B Health Corporate Partners

No charge

Standard, Basic, Affiliate Member Hospital


Prospective Member



MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT: Contact Matt Dorocak at matt.dorocak@340bhealth.org or (202) 536-2286.

MORE INFORMATION AND MEMBERSHIP: For more details about this event, please contact Shane Kelley at shane.kelley@340bhealth.org or (202) 552-5864. For more details on membership, please visit our website.

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