Tuesday, October 29, 2024
2:00-2:45 PM ET
DURATION: 45 minutes, including Q&A.
Want to make sure you and your hospital are getting the most out of your 340B Health membership and accessing all of our valuable benefits and programs? Join us for a free webinar on Tuesday, October 29 from 2:00-2:45 PM (Eastern) to find out how to:
- Interact with our many valuable digital resources, including our new split-billing solution evaluation tools, 340B Employed (online career site) and The Exchange online community
- Receive personalized, 1:1 technical support
- Participate in webinars on real-time compliance and other topics and issues
- Engage in advocacy efforts to protect the 340B program
- Connect with supply-chain vendors that provide 340B-related IT, audit and other solutions
- Become an Individual Member and receive supplemental career development, networking and other opportunities – including priority booking for 340B Coalition conference hotels
- Create educational pathways for your multi-disciplinary team
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Pharmacy directors, 340B managers, CFOs, in-house counsel, government relations directors and compliance officers.
- Shane Kelley, Director of Member Services
Garrett Eberhardt, Director of Government Relations
REGISTRATION: Click here to register. The deadline to register is Friday, October 25th. A confirmation will be emailed to you.
MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT: For more information about the event, please email or call (202) 552-5850. For registration questions, please contact Elise Kim at or (202) 536-2286.
MORE INFORMATION AND MEMBERSHIP: For more details about this event, please contact Shane Kelley at or (202) 552-5864. For more details on membership, please visit our website.