340B Health

Implications of Genesis Decision on 340B Patient Definition

Thursday, November 30, 2023
2:00-3:00 PM ET

Register Now!

DURATION: 60 minutes, including Q & A.

In a long-awaited decision, a federal court has ruled that the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA’s) interpretation of “patient” unlawfully restricts patients who qualify for 340B. A 340B community health center – Genesis – filed the lawsuit in 2018 to challenge a HRSA audit finding for diversion. The court found in favor of Genesis and stated that HRSA exceeded its authority in limiting use of 340B drugs by a covered entity (CE) only to drugs that pertain to care initiated by the CE. The ruling has implications for HRSA enforcement around patient definition and raises several considerations for 340B hospitals moving forward. This webinar will address key aspects of the Genesis court’s decision, including:

  • Implications for 340B drug use
  • Potential changes to HRSA audit enforcement
  • What the decision means for HRSA’s ability to implement its interpretation of “patient”

INTENDED AUDIENCE: C-Suite executives, pharmacy directors, in-house counsel, government relations staff, 340B managers, and compliance officers.

Maureen Testoni, President and Chief Executive Officer, 340B Health
Amanda Nagrotsky, Senior Counsel

REGISTRATION: The event is limited to 340B hospitals and 340B Health Corporate Partners, and pre-registration is required. To register, please click the “REGISTER NOW!” button above. The deadline to register is Wednesday, November 29.

Registration Category

Registration Fee

Enhanced Member Hospital, 340B Health Corporate Partners

No charge

Standard, Basic, Affiliate Member Hospital


Prospective Member


By attending the Implications of Genesis Decision on 340B Patient Definition Webinar offered by 340B Health participants may earn up to 1 ACHE Qualified Education hour toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT: For more information about the event, please email events@340bhealth.org or call (202) 552-5850. For registration questions, please contact Elise Kim at elise.kim@340bhealth.org or (202) 536-2286.

MORE INFORMATION AND MEMBERSHIP: For more details about this event, please contact Shane Kelley at shane.kelley@340bhealth.org or (202) 552-5864. For more details on membership, please visit our website.

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