340B Health

Templates for 340B Hospital Comments on IPI Model

340B Health encourages 340B hospitals to submit comments in response to an advance notice of proposed rulemaking issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Oct. 30, 2018, regarding the International Pricing Index (IPI) Model for Medicare Part B drugs. We have developed four separate templates to help hospitals prepare their comments to CMS – a template for disproportionate share hospitals, a template for children’s and free-standing cancer hospitals, one for critical access hospitals, and another for rural referral centers and sole community hospitals. Please click on the links below to access the appropriate template depending on your hospital type.

340B Health will be submitting our own more detailed comments, which we expect to post on our website no later than Dec. 19. Hospitals should feel free to use information from our comments in their own submissions. Comments to CMS on the pricing model are due by Dec. 31 at 5:00 PM ET.

Contact: Amanda Nagrotsky (amanda.nagrotsky@340bhealth.org or 202-552-5866)