340B Health

Faces of 340B

Pete Hamilton, Director, Pharmaceutical Services, Genesis Healthcare System, OH

The math is clear on how 340B savings are making a significant difference in helping Genesis Healthcare System in southeastern Ohio keep afloat the specialized services it tailors to the community. Pete Hamilton, the health system’s director of pharmaceutical services, shares how Genesis relies on the $20 million it receives through 340B discounts to provide $28 million in uncompensated, low-income, indigent care, and community benefit to its patients. These 340B savings are essential for the financial stability of the rural safety-net health system and for its ability to continue offering care its patients need. Pete says the services funded in part through 340B savings include cancer care, a black lung clinic, and an anticoagulation clinic. For patients who are having trouble with blood clotting, the anticoagulation clinic is a one-stop source of care, where they can meet with a pharmacist, receive the medications they need, and test how fast their blood is clotting. This ensures patients are more likely to fill their prescriptions and maintain good health in between visits.