340B Health

340B Insight Podcast

Episode 94: The Potential of 340B Optimization

April 29, 2024

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340B savings can help hospitals and other covered entities better serve patients and improve their health outcomes. But how can these entities make the best use of 340B funds for their institutions? We sat down with Matt Webber, director of pharmacy business at Novant Health based in North Carolina, to learn more. (Transcript)

Show Notes

  • 340B optimization strategies One way that Novant Health optimized its 340B program was through a multidisciplinary team that includes data analysts and auditors. Matt says that while this team prioritizes compliance above all else, it also can focus on technology and data to increase 340B efficiency and to find opportunities to increase patient access to the drugs and care they need.
  • How 340B optimization helps patients Novant Health was able to use their 340B optimization team to find cases in which patients receive a prescription from the hospital but use a non-contracted pharmacy to fill their medication. The team found out where this was occurring and used the information to expand their contract pharmacy footprint and better meet patients’ needs where they are.
  • The complexity of optimizing Matt says health systems can encounter numerous systemic challenges in pursuing 340B optimization, including navigating individuals’ choice, rising drug costs for patients, and complex reimbursement issues. Still, Novant’s optimization efforts are paying off for patients by measurably improving their health outcomes and connecting them to more affordable drugs and care.

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