340B Health

340B Insight Podcast

Episode Two: The State of 340B During COVID-19 with Maureen Testoni

May 21, 2020

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In this episode, we speak with our President and CEO, Maureen Testoni, about the impact of COVID-19 on the 340B program. Maureen also discusses other key issues for the 340B community amid the uncertainty of the pandemic. (Transcript)

Show Notes

In this episode, we speak with our President and CEO, Maureen Testoni, about the impact of COVID-19 on the 340B program. Maureen has been leading 340B Health since April 2018 and previously served as the Senior Vice President and General Counsel for the organization.

Maureen discusses several key issues for the 340B community amid the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key discussion topics include:

1.HRSA’s Response to COVID-19: HRSA has provided flexibility for hospitals on 340B drug purchases, registration of new hospital clinics, and telemedicine. However, there are additional steps HRSA should take to help hospitals provide continued care for their low-income patients during the pandemic.

2. 340B Health Advocacy: 340B Health is conducting outreach to HRSA, HHS Secretary Alex Azar, and members of Congress about enacting regulatory and legislative flexibility in the 340B program to ensure it is responsive to a rapidly changing health care environment. 340B Health also created an online COVID-19 Resource Center for its members (see link below).

3. CMS Survey: CMS is surveying many 340B hospitals related to their drug acquisition costs. This survey is part of the agency’s effort to cut Medicare Part B payments to most 340B hospitals. 

4. Medicaid Cuts: 340B is closely following legislative proposals in Congress that would reduce Medicaid reimbursements to 340B hospitals.

5. Health System Trends: Maureen highlights recent trends in the health care world that affect 340B, such as transitions to outpatient care and the emergence of new drugs that replace invasive procedures.

Check out all of our episodes on the 340B Insight podcast website. You can also stay updated on all 340B Health news and information by visiting our homepage. If you have any questions you’d like us to cover in the podcast, email us at podcast@340bhealth.org.

Episode Resources:

  1. 340B Health COVID-19 Resource Center

  2. 340B Health OPPS Resource Center

  3. 340B Health’s Statement Regarding Bipartisan Efforts to Protect 340B Hospitals During COVID-19 (May 8, 2020)

  4. 340B Health’s Statement Regarding Federal Flexibility for Hospitals Amid COVID-19 Response (March 20, 2020)

  5. 340B Health’s Statement Regarding White House Approval of 340B Medicare Drug Cost Survey (April 24, 2020)