340B Health


in 340B Health News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Hospitals participating in the 340B drug pricing program play important roles in advancing health equity in the U.S. These safety-net providers serve the largest percentages of patients in need, including members of communities that historically have been underserved by the broader health care system. A new report from 340B Health profiles seven hospitals and health systems that are pursuing health equity by deploying health access and quality improvement initiatives. 340B savings are an essential source of support for these providers:

  • Abbott Northwestern, Minneapolis
  • Advocate Trinity Hospital, Chicago
  • MetroHealth, Cleveland
  • Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, La.
  • The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albuquerque, N.M.
  • Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, Va.
  • Zuckerberg San Francisco General, San Francisco

Although these hospitals and health systems customize their health equity strategies to the needs of their communities, their initiatives share numerous common elements. Such best practices include:

  • Committing to data – 340B providers are driving efforts to collect health care data, analyze the information, and act on the findings. This involves using research to identify where disparities in health and health care exist and tracking improvements in patient health outcomes that come from tackling those disparities.
  • Focusing on social determinants of health – 340B providers increasingly are focusing on access to employment, housing, food, transportation, education, and other social determinants of health. Pursuing solutions in those areas often involve extending initiatives beyond the walls of facilities and working with established community groups to achieve progress.
  • Leading by example – 340B providers are designing initiatives to develop more diverse workforces, increase local purchasing of goods and services, and make more social impact investments in their surrounding neighborhoods. These efforts aid the pursuit of greater equity while bolstering hospitals’ roles as key employers, purchasers, and members of the community.

“The impressive progress these 340B hospitals and health systems are making in their pursuit of greater equity in care and health should serve as inspiration to all safety-net providers who are tackling this important work,” said 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni. “We know that safety-net hospitals throughout the U.S. have a great opportunity to effect real and lasting change in our nation’s health care system. We applaud these dedicated providers for integrating equity efforts into their patient care missions and for sharing their best practices for the benefit of the entire 340B community.”

340B drug discounts are central to the patient care missions of these hospitals and health systems. Health equity solutions often require specialized services, patient support, and community benefits that cost more to deliver than any revenues they might generate. These are situations in which 340B savings can be most effective in strengthening the health care safety net for all patients in need.

Read the full report to learn more about these providers and their health equity improvement efforts.

Contact: Richard Sorian at richard.sorian@340bhealth.org or 202-536-2285.