Faces of 340B
Erika Aguero, Chicago, IL
Erika Aguero was uninsured when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She called many places to schedule treatment and found that because of her insurance status, they were unable to provide her affordable care. Then she heard about Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago. Mount Sinai uses 340B savings to provide financial aid to patients who are uninsured or living with low incomes so they can afford their health care. With her 340B-supported discount card, Erika could access the eight cycles of intravenous chemotherapy that she needed at Mount Sinai in addition to the seven cycles of chemo medications she needed to take at home. Mount Sinai provided her home therapy at no charge. Erika says she would have been in danger without the discounted chemotherapy treatments because she could not afford to pay the non-discounted price. Today, Erika feels healthy and is grateful to Mount Sinai for the care they provided her with the help of 340B.