340B Health


in 340B Health News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) sent a letter to Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) ordering the pharmaceutical company into compliance with federal requirements under the 340B drug pricing program. HRSA informed the company that its Aug. 1 policy cutting off discounted pricing to hospitals on drugs dispensed at community-based pharmacies is unlawful. The agency directed BI to produce a plan by Oct. 18 for restoring the discounted pricing and said the company must issue credits or refunds to affected hospitals for all past overcharges.

The following statement is attributed to 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni:

“We commend HRSA for taking quick enforcement action against Boehringer Ingelheim as we requested, and we call on the company’s executives to heed the government’s directive and restore statutory discounts for safety-net hospitals. BI’s policy of withholding discounts for many of its outpatient drugs, including those used to treat patients with diabetes, is immensely harmful to 340B hospitals and the patients they serve. HRSA again makes crystal clear that the law requires drug companies to discount their prices when selling drugs to safety-net providers no matter where the drugs are dispensed. Now that HRSA has acted, it is up to BI’s leadership to do the right thing and reverse this unlawful policy.”

Contact: Richard Sorian at richard.sorian@340bhealth.org or 202-536-2285.