WASHINGTON, D.C.— The global drug company UCB has announced that it will stop providing 340B discounts to hospitals on drugs dispensed at community-based pharmacies starting Dec. 13. This development makes UCB the ninth drug company to impose restrictions on 340B pricing through community pharmacies. The following statement is attributed to 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni:
“UCB’s decision to withhold crucial 340B drug discounts from hospitals partnering with community pharmacies to serve patients in need is unconscionable. The federal government has launched enforcement actions against seven drug companies that are breaking the law with these pricing restrictions. Two federal courts have ruled that drugmakers cannot refuse to offer statutory discounts or impose unilateral conditions on those discounts. Yet UCB is ignoring all these clear mandates by imposing an unlawful policy that will serve only to hurt patients at safety-net hospitals and boost the company’s revenues.”
“We continue to urge the federal government to pursue enforcement actions against any companies that are in violation of the 340B law and to continue fighting in the courts to defend its authority to do so. This harmful drug company behavior must stop.”
Contact: Richard Sorian at or 202-536-2285.