340B Health Champions Recognition Program
The 340B Health Champions Recognition Program is designed to recognize and promote advocacy and expertise among 340B professionals. If you’re a current Individual Member and work for one of 340B Health’s member health systems, hospitals, or contract pharmacy affiliates you are eligible to participate. For more information about this supplemental membership category, please click here.
Throughout the calendar year (January-December), Individual Members earn points by participating in qualified educational and advocacy activities. Individual Members who earn the most points will be recognized at the 340B Coalition Summer Conference. Start earning points now, and click here to see the list of our latest 340B Health Champions!
Below are the recognition levels:
The Individual Member who
Earns the Most Points
- Complimentary conference registration for (1) 340B Coalition Conference
- Award presented during the Hospital Breakout session at the 340B Coalition Summer Conference
- Complimentary flight and accommodations for 340B Health’s Summer or Spring Legislative Event
- Featured on 340B Health website
- Mention in the 340B Health Bulletin
- “340B Champion” ribbon at 340B Coalition Conference
- Virtual badge on The Exchange online community
First and Second Runner-Up
- Complimentary conference registration for (1) 340B Coalition Conference
- Award presented during the Hospital Breakout Session at the 340B Coalition Summer Conference
- Featured on 340B Health website
- Mention in the 340B Health Bulletin
- “340B Champion” ribbon at 340B Coalition Conference
- Virtual badge on The Exchange online community
Starting lineup:
The 10 Individual Members who Earn the Most Points
(Lead scorers behind the MVP and First Runner-up and Second Runner-Up)
- Honorable Mention during the Hospital Breakout Session at the 340B Coalition Summer Conference
- Mention in the 340B Health Bulletin
- “340B Champion” ribbon at 340B Coalition Conference
- Virtual badge on The Exchange online community
Point System:
Activity | Points |
Attend a 340B Health Legislative Event | 25 |
Write a pro-340B Op-Ed* | 25 |
Draft or Update 340B Impact Profile* | 25 |
Complete a Provider Faces of 340B Profile | 25 |
Complete a Patient Faces of 340B Profile | 25 |
Send Letter to the Editor | 25 |
Meet with a Member of Congress in your community to discuss the importance of 340B*• (Participation in 340B Health’s Legislative Event does not fulfill this activity, contact Kendall Cairns, Government Relations Coordinator, at 202-552-5863 or Kendall.Cairns@340BHealth.org for more information) |
25 |
Participate in the 340B Health Twitter Pros | 25 |
Contribute to the 340B Health PAC | 20 |
Attend a Winter 340B Coalition Conference | 20 |
Attend a Summer 340B Coalition Conference | 20 |
Present at 340B Coalition Conference | 15 |
Attend a 340B Health Regional Roundtable (Applies to non-conference related events) |
10 |
Attend a 340B Health Webinar | 5 |
*Must work with 340B Health or notify us of accomplishments to earn points for this activity.
•Only two Individual Members per Institution can earn points for this activity.
Note: All of the activities listed above will be automatically tracked with the exception of Meet with a Member of Congress. Once you’ve met with your member of Congress, please email membership@340bhealth.org the meeting date for manual entry.