340B Health

340B Insight Podcast

340B Insight

340B Insight is 340B Health’s podcast, providing our members and supporters with timely news updates and discussion around the 340B drug pricing program. The podcast enables listeners to stay current and expand their knowledge of 340B to help them serve their patients and communities and remain compliant with rules and requirements. New episodes are published twice per month and include news update segments and in-depth interviews with leading experts including health care practitioners, policy and legal experts, public policymakers, and our expert staff.

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Podcast sponsorship opportunities are available. Email to learn more: robin.hayes@340bhealth.org

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  • Episode 98: States Make Big Moves with 340B Policy

    While significant 340B actions have happened at the federal level, state legislatures also have made big moves in the world of 340B so far this year. We are joined by Amanda Sellers Smith, 340B Health’s legal counsel, to explain more. (Transcript)

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  • Episode 97: A Key Federal Court Ruling on 340B

    The world of 340B has seen significant developments on the state and national levels in recent months. A second federal appeals court decision on 340B contract pharmacies came down in recent weeks, a new bill in Congress threatens to impose significant restrictions on hospital participation in 340B program, and more states move to protect covered entities from drugmaker restrictions. To understand these new developments, 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni joins us to explain more. (Transcript

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  • Episode 96: How to Navigate the 340B ADR Process

    The finalized 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) rule is set to go into effect on June 18 and will create a process to settle certain disputes between covered entities and drug manufacturers. But what should covered entities know about this process before it launches? Jason Reddish, a 340B expert with the Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville health care practice group, joins us to discuss. (Transcript)

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  • Episode 95: How 340B Savings Help Hospitals Take Their Care on the Road

    Hospitals throughout the U.S. use their 340B savings in innovative ways to care for their patients in need. In some cases, they can take that care outside the walls of the hospital to meet patients where they learn, live, and play. We spoke with Heather Armstrong with Comanche County Medical Center in central Texas to tell us how her health system invests 340B savings into innovative approaches to community care. (Transcript)

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  • Episode 94: The Potential of 340B Optimization

    340B savings can help hospitals and other covered entities better serve patients and improve their health outcomes. But how can these entities make the best use of 340B funds for their institutions? We sat down with Matt Webber, director of pharmacy business at Novant Health based in North Carolina, to learn more. (Transcript)

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  • Episode 93: New Federal and State Legislative Movement on 340B

    The 340B community has seen major activity on several fronts since the start of 2024 – the introduction of new legislation on Capitol Hill, movement on legislation in the states, and key developments in the courts. 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni returns to the show to help us make sense of these developments and how they might affect stakeholders. (Transcript)

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